Lab created diamonds, also known as engineered or cultured diamonds, are grown in highly controlled laboratory environments using advanced technological processes that duplicate the conditions under which diamonds naturally develop when they form in the mantle, beneath the Earth’s crust.
Our lab diamonds are grown from the tiny carbon seeds of pre-existing diamonds. Advanced technology – either extreme pressure and heat or a special deposition process – replicates the natural method of diamond formation. Lab grown fancy colored diamonds are formed when small amounts of specific trace elements are present during the growth phase of the diamond, just like in nature.
Our lab grown diamonds are now readily available in a variety of colorless ranges. Cultured diamonds are also available in fancy colors that are considered very rare in nature, including popular hues of vivid fancy yellow. Fancy colored lab created diamonds sell at 25% to 50% lower to their natural colored diamond counterparts.
高科技培育鑽石 (Lab Grown Diamond),在高度控制的實驗室環境中形成,使用先進的技術過程,重複鑽石在地殼下地幔中形成時自然形成的條件。
我們的培育真鑽的成分為鑽石胚芽和微米小碳粒。利用先進的技術 – 極端壓力和熱及特殊的沉積過程 – 複製了鑽石自然形成的方法。至於實驗室培育的彩色鑽石,便是在培育真鑽的形成階段中存在少量的特定微量元素,跟天然形成的彩色鑽石一樣。
我們的培育真鑽可以形成為D至J色鑽,也可以形成為在自然界非常罕見的彩鑽,包括市場需求較高的黃鑽 (Fancy Vivid Yellow)。培育真鑽售價可比天然鑽石及天然彩色鑽石低25%至50%。